July 4th - A Celebration of Ideas... and Manuscripts
Today is July 4th, Independence Day in the United
States, a holiday on which we Americans collectively reflect on a manuscript
penned several hundred years ago. The ideas set down on vellum by some of the most
brilliant political philosophers of the 18th century (chief among
them talented polymath Thomas Jefferson) created the framework for a government that has ensured 241 years (so far) of peace and stability (with these exceptions and this bloody exception). Naturally, it is the ideas and ideals contained within the text that we celebrate as
we commemorate the birth of the U.S. But we also meditate on the physical
documents which constitute the Charters of Freedom: The Declaration of
Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, all of which are
preserved by the National Archives.

John Trumbull's famous painting The Declaration of Independence
To understand the deep meaning to be found
in seeing (and perhaps even touching or owning) original historical manuscripts, one only
has to look at the veneration most Americans have for these documents. Today I
wish my fellow Americans a happy Independence Day and encourage you to revisit the text of one
or more of our founding documents here: https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs (unless you're lucky enough to be in Washington to see the originals!).

May our founding documents continue, as intended, to “establish
Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote
the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our
Posterity” as so eloquently stated in our Constitution. Happy birthday, America!
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